Kundalini Yoga
What is it
Kundalini yoga is suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility the basics are to reconnect via your breath to your inner self. Just one class of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan can have an effect.
Kundalini yoga is quite unique- I always demonstrate each posture & will come around and help if anyone needs it (without hands on’ manipulation or intrusion).
Kundalini yoga is done with the eyes closed as you are working within, & is very much about listening to your own body & getting more in tune with yourself. It is great for detox,easing stress, body alignment & promotes relaxation.
Kundalini Yoga

What to expect from a class:
Tuning in
We chant to tune in to make sure we are present in the space.
Breath (Pranayama)
Breath is life energy itself. When we learn how to breathe consciously we can calm our minds & master all aspects of our lives.
A kriya is an exact dynamic combination of postures, breathing & sound which balances mind body & soul & increases mental clarity.
Meditation brings awareness & control of our thoughts.
Using mantra (sacred sound currents repeated aloud or silently) we can clear negative patterns & connect with our higher consciousness.
Preparing for a class:
Ideally avoid food for 2 or 3 hours before coming to the class.
Wear loose fitting natural fibre clothing. If you wear spectacles it is best to remove them during the Kriya, relaxation and meditation.
Long hair should be tied up out of the way.
Have a bottle of water with you and drink plenty in the class and immediately following the class to flush out toxins.

want to know more?

If you want to connect with your true authentic self, connect with your breath.
~ Yogi Bhajan
Goddess energy
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The Spiritual Nature of Hair
Associated to Kundalini Yoga practice- this article re often asked questions about covering the head/hair