Each season, each quarter of each year, feels like another chapter in the expansion of consciousness. At some point every three months I have a moment of ‘review’ of what is happening through my yoga practice, meditations, socialising, work, or just ‘what is happening’ drops in, that realization, a moment of energetically ‘this is what seems to be going on’.
Since January 2017 I have felt a need to let go. It began as a thought clearing process following the death of my Mother late last year, after my annual review at New Year. Many diverse changes in the day to day followed, currently , am in the middle of a huge declutter in my living space. It seems once the letting go starts you have to roll with it.
Letting go is part of life. Death is the only guarantee for each human, and so everyone must let someone else go. But also let somethings go from ourselves, our mind, and as we do tension is released, from our body and our heart. The seasons change. Lives move on. The world is not the same. Our cultures do not stay stagnant, nor return to any golden, glory days, despite political pressure. Can we ever return to a version of something gone which exists only in our mind/memory (nostalgia). Nothing will ever be the same. Life moves forward, never back. We let go of each breath, each heart beat. We let go of each birthday, each celebration, weddings, anniversaries, births, relationships, each season rolls on, as the wheel of life keeps turning.
We become very accomplished at letting go, and yet, it’s so easy to fight to hold onto things. Often in small ways to the little things. This does not make us weak. In fact, it is natural. We are eternal beings in bodies that die. This illusion of impermanence offends some of us to the very core, this our endless nature. When we identify with the illusion,
Youth driven
popular culture,
letting go wounds us. And yet
And yet when we identify with our infinite nature, with the boundless creativity of the Universe, we begin to realize that letting go is part of a constant expansion.
We can’t think our way into this peace.
We can’t reason our way into this knowing. We must experience a connection with the larger plan to know this gentle grace.
We must reach out to the Infinite and ask “Are you sure?’ in order for God/Goddess/Buddha/Guru/Spirit to lean down and whisper in our ears YES!
Choose the pain you need to let go of. Choose the fear, the anger, the thing you did years ago that you can’t forget. Choose the situation you are ready to leave behind. Choose the behavior that no longer serves you. Those small little things that do not matter. LET GO, exhale.
Expand your heart and chant this mantra: (You Tube link with music and
mantra below)
Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru,
Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee,
Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru,
Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee
This is a way of calling upon Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das (representing the Hope of the Hopeless and the Lord of Miracles). It begins by affirming that what you are saying is a prayer, (intention). Connect with these powerful energies. And then “sachee sahee’ release and let it go. Know that your prayer is heard and it is done. This is the mantra of answered prayers, of moving beyond difficult situations, and gracefully LETTING GO. Challenge yourself to let one small thing go. As Yogi Bhajan said. To conquer the unknown you must TRUST
Blessings, Updesh Kaur
Kundalini Yoga, KRI Certificated Teacher
Gong Practioner & KYTA Member
Telephone 07730637558
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